Get Involved!
HJPCV needs your help! We are a small grassroots organization comprised of individuals just like you. We have an important and noble mission ahead of us – helping hurt and injured Peace Corps volunteers connect with the resources they need to pursue justice – and that requires lots of hands to help. We can always use your support.
The areas in which we currently need the most support are:
Advocacy: We need folks to write letters, make phone calls, meet with government officials, contact press (we can tell you how) and generally get the information out there about the health injustices currently caused by the Peace Corps.
Financial: We are not technically a non-profit organization at this point, although we are working on incorporating the organization as an official non-profit. However, this doesn’t mean we are without expenses. Money is needed to maintain a website, pay for postage, and support other expenses associated with putting up the good fight for those volunteers maimed by the system.
Legal: We are always looking for attorneys and other legally minded folks to help us pursue justice for volunteers through the courts and legal system, as well as help us acquire official non-profit status.
Technical: Maintaining our website and technical operations is a lot of hard work. We are always looking for techies to help stay on top of the technical side of HJPCVs so that we can continue to effectively connect with hurt and injured volunteers.
Other: If you can think of a different way to help, we’d love to hear from you!
Intrigued? Passionate about volunteer health? Want to help? Great! Contact us.
Join Health Justice For Peace Corps Volunteers!
HJPCV is an affiliate group of the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA). As you become a member of HJPCV, you may also join NPCA -- it's quick, easy, and free!
1. First, you may choose your membership level with NPCA.
2. Then, you'll select which NPCA affiliate group(s) you would like to join, including HJPCV!
3. Finally, you will be prompted to fill out your country of service and contact information as well as select your communications and privacy preferences.
Click on the button below to start.